Dr. Shyam Prasad
Dr. Prasad taught Civil Engineering for thirty years and carried research in a wide variety of problem areas of interest in Engineering Sciences. He is currently a Research Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Mississippi and is a Life Fellow of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Dr. Prasad has extensively published scholarly research in leading national and international journals and has served on the panel of collaborators of researchers for the United States Geological Survey and the Department of Agriculture. He is currently active in collaborative research in soil amendments for enhanced sub surface transport of infiltrated water, pollutants, soil erosion and sediment transport with the USDA National Sedimentation Laboratory.
Dr. Sam Gordji
Dr. Gordji has published several refereed papers in soil and soil erosion. He is an expert in statistical analysis and has offered advanced seminars on ABAQUS, Mathematica, Mathworks, SAS, and other engineering software. Dr. Gordji is a life member of Chi Epsilon, the NationalCivil Engineering Honor Society. He has offered graduate courses in the field of Time Series Analysis, Environmental Engineering for the University of Memphis and the University of Mississippi . He has been with the National Work Group for Leak Detection Evaluation since its inception and regularly presents technical papers at their meetings. He is an expert in interpreting the seven original EPA’s Protocols and consulting vendors on how these protocols should be applied.
Mr. Reza Esteki
Mr. Esteki is a computer and network specialist with over 30 years of experience in the industry. He has considerable experience working in start-ups, having served as Vice President ofSoftware Engineering for Opion, Inc., and as a Partner at iMask, Inc. He was Director ofOperation Support Systems at Broadband Office, and was responsible for the OSS platform design and implementation, which included Call Center, Internal Help Desk, Sales Force Automation, Provisioning, Billing, Asset Management, and Data Warehousing. He secured and negotiated contracts for each of the primary components used in the company’s technology infrastructure and built and managed fast growing multiple teams to deliver projects on schedule and under budget. Prior to BBO, as Senior Manager of Architecture and Software Development at Global One, Mr. Esteki managed the design, development, and implementation of an e-commerce Global Calling Card system. With a background in enterprise networking and IT infrastructures, He is currently involved in engagements targeted at monitoring data centers’ infrastructures to enable companies to conserve power, balance heat loads and perform capacity planning.
Mr. Ahmad Arak
MS in Mechanical Engineering, Mississippi State University. Mr. Arak is an expert in the construction of both mechanical and electrical devices.
Mrs. Leili Gordji
MS in Chemical Engineering, Ms. Gordji has performed numerous studies in Chemical Engineering and environmental engineering. She has conducted studies and published papers illustrating the effect of pollutant in lakes in Mississippi.
Ms. Rana Gordji
Graphic designers, webmasters and technical contributors.