Aim and Mission
We are a group of engineers and soil scientists dedicated to improving the environment that we live in by finding the causes of erosion, contamination, etc and their lasting effect on soil, air and water. In that regard we publish scholarly papers in referred journals.
We also solve practical problems related to soil contamination and leakage of substances into the ground. Below are a list of our free programs, papers and findings. If you think of a problem or a research topic along these lines send us a short description of the problem and we will add it to our list and will work on it if we already don’t have a solution for problem similar to yours.
We also assist tank owners/operators with their everyday problems through the graphs and charts making difficult and complex EPA’s guidelines simple to understand and apply.
Some of the programs and documents below may need some explanation or additional information, if this is the case, send us an email and we will send you the entire computer program.